The earnest and noble desire of the late educators, Ricardo and Marcella Bonilla, was realized when the Lipa Business Institute was founded in July 1947. Its humble origin began with classes held in rented buildings along B. Morada Avenue, Lipa City. With an enrolment initially consisting of 65 students enrolled in a Secondary Course, what would later on become the Lipa City Colleges thus began.
As the population grew bigger on School Year 1948 - 1949, the administrators decided to acquire a bigger building not far from its former site. This paved the way for the complete Secondary Course and Collegiate Courses such as Liberal Arts, Junior Normal Education, Commerce and One-Year Secretarial Course.
Not to rest on his achievement and ever fueled by hard work and dedication, Mr. Bonilla obtained a more spacious location at G.A. Solis St., Lipa City, where the school is now presently housed. Hand - in - hand with its new edifice and the burning desire to be the first institution in the city to offer three levels of education - elementary, secondary, and tertiary, the name of the school was changed to Lipa City Colleges on its third year of operation at its new site, after which, successes were reaped continuously in the form of increasing population and improving image in the community as a provider of quality education.
The cause to serve the people in the City of Lipa and adjacent towns continued in the succeeding years, prompting the administrators to put up adjacent five-storey and four - storey buildings to house the needed facilities and serve as home to its growing workforce and clientele. The College of Law was opened and a provincial radio station was installed to tap the talent of students with interest in the field of Broadcast Communication.
Lipa City Colleges is entering into a new phase in its history. Replacing the late Mr. Carlos R. Mojares who has made an indelible marks in the institution's progress, the wife Ms. Glecy B. Mojares is now taking the challenge as the new president with the able assistance of her daughters Ms. Marjorie M. Abiera and Ms. Beverly M. Mendoza, as Vice-Presidents for Finance and Internal Affairs and External Affairs, respectively, and sons - in - law, Dr. Joe Vincent Abiera and Mr. Patrick Mendoza, as Vice-Presidents for Administration and Corporate Affairs and General Services, respectively.
In School Year 2009 - 2010, the institution was authorized to offer a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering to serve individuals who have an immense passion in this field of study which is vital in this age of complexity and modern technology. Part also of the incessant development to meet the demands of the changing times, the institution successfully completed its own swimming facilities. Continuous improvement of facilities and the acquisition of an additional lot where the Annex Building now stands are further testaments of the school's commitment to be the best in the region. Said building houses Computer and Nursing Skills laboratories and the adjacent lots contain provisions for athletics. Add to this are the improved instruction, research, upgraded laboratory equipment and supplies, increased library collections, more varied and responsive student services, strengthened community involvement as well as the furthering of teacher's qualification and excellence via further studies and trainings.
2011 - 2012, LCC took a step further in its continuous quest to remain relevant and to be of better service to the community. It began offering pre - school and elementary education through Silvercrest School. Silvercrest facilities includes air-conditioned classrooms and offices in its newly constructed 5-storey building, state-of-the-art play and swim facilities. It adopts a small teacher-student ratio, with teachers who have been specially trained on child learning and development. This newest addition to LCC as an educational institution is centered on technology-inclined experiential learning and it offers foreign language as an enrichment subject. With Silvercrest, LCC now offers three (3) levels of Education guided by its educational goals of honing students for Leadership, Competence and Commitment.
The Level III accredited status of most of its academic programs spawned a different milieu consisting of hardworking faculty and staff exhibiting dynamism and devotion with most of them having successfully obtained graduate and post graduate degrees. Lipa City Colleges is now composed of the following academic departments - LCC Silvercrest Pre-school and Grade School, and Junior and Senior High School for the Basic Education Unit, College of Business Education and Accountancy, College of Computer Science, College of Criminology, College of Education and Liberal Arts, College of Engineering, College of Hospitality Management, College of Nursing, and the Graduate School.
For almost 70 years, the institution has continued to turn its vision and mission into reality, being one of the leading institutions in the region, producing responsible and competent individuals